Need some help? People often associate brown with Earth as it’s the color of soil, stone, wood, and many other life forms. quiché m (plural quichés) K'iche' (people) (uncountable) K'iche' (language) Further reading “quiché” in Diccionario de la lengua española, Vigésima tercera edición, Real Academia Española, 2014. quiché on the Spanish Wikipedia. This is the exception to keep in mind when using blanc as an adjective to describe a feminine noun. OptiLingo is not just fun, it’s also an effective language learning method. As any blog post about colors should, I’ll list the most common colors name in French and then I’ll give additional examples for every color. Learn all about the usage of nouns in French, so you can reach fluency in record time. When it comes to gender or quantity, the color orange (orange) never changes. They change to “-aux” for their plural form. Red in French is rouge. Purple is a popular color in nature. I have summarized several rules when changing the form of an adjective from masculine to feminine: 1. when adj ended in “e“, there is no change at all. To keep it simple, let's focus on the three main categories of hair length: long, short, and mid-length. There are exceptions, but if you know these patterns, you’ll know how most adjectives change based on the gender of the noun they modify. 27.long (masculine plural) longs. Then you have the exceptions, which tend to follow a few guidelines. In many respects, it is quite similar to that of the other Romance languages.. French is a moderately inflected language. Le rose is the pink color while la rose refers to the flower (la fleur). If we called that same structure “un monument” then it is masculine. There’s no reason they have these plural forms, but they do regardless. - I love him (or her). Join the online, French language coach, Expert in Pronunciation, French Meditation Apps & Crystals to Unlock Your Well-Being, 10 Useful French Expressions And Their Meanings, Asking for and Telling Time in French (With Audio), The Ultimate Guide to Ask Questions in French, Happy Birthday! These nouns change their endings to “-x” for their plural form. So, it won’t be difficult to learn the grammar behind them. It is found in the names of some famous attractions in France like le moulin rouge. This doesn’t follow the same rule as in orange and marron. The list below details all 50 state names in English and French. White is one of the three colors of France’s flag. Now it’s time to explore the many benefits that Master Your French has to offer. Plural is more important! All French nouns are either masculine or feminine, with the balance being fairly evenly. : Comme il ressort du tableau ci-dessus, les terminaisons de l'adjectif et des noms diffèrent au masculin pluriel (-ūtum, -ūtim). Wikipedia es In French, the c in blanc is a silent letter, it is not pronounced. The color green is found in nature: It is a relaxing color. And in French, it’s the same concept. Like English, there are some nouns that don’t follow any particular rules in French. People who usually like bright sunny colors also love the yellow color. For instance, un arc-en-ciel (a rainbow), les aurores boréales (the northern lights), or les macarons (macaroons) as in the image below that shows some multicolored wonderful macaroons. So join me in the online French courses! The black color is found in nature. 30.fier (feminine singular) fière. In this case, marron is a fruit in French and consequently it remains unchanged regardless of the noun it is modifying. With plural nouns, it is much easier. Masculine plural: tristes Feminine plural: tristes. The plural form of a noun is usually formed by changing the article to les/des and adding an -s to the end of the word, however there are many exceptions! Download OptiLingo quickly to reach fluency faster! One of these exceptions is the white color in French. I will try to give examples using both vocabulary and grammar. If your goal is only to make yourself understood, then you don’t need to be perfectly perfect with masculine and feminine genders, grammatically speaking of course. Learn how to use plural nouns in French grammar with Lingolia, then test yourself in the exercises. 1. That’s why you can tell the gender of the noun from the article in front of it. (Sarah’s hair is long… … : The epithetic adjective of a noun feminine singular or masculine plural inflects (by softening). However, there are some major differences between how the English and the French use nouns. One of these nuances it the well-known dark red is “Bordeaux” as the wine of Bordeaux. And in French, it’s the same concept. The illustration below depicts the most common colors in French along with the corresponding English/French translation. All French adjectives must agree with the noun they modify in gender and number. Longue is used to modify feminine singular nouns. This rules applies to most of colors besides few exceptions. Four common exception are “un rail” (a rail), “un email” (an email), “un détail” (a detail), “un régal” (a delice), Only a handful of nouns endings in “-ou” have this, but some change their endings to “-x” for their plural form. This lesson will teach you the most important French colors that language learners should equip their vocabulary with. This article lists the essential vocabulary to learn colors in French. Le Bureau de la traduction recommande d'employer le nom masculin audit (le «t» final se prononce) comme équivalent français du mot anglais audit dans le domaine de la comptabilité. Les cheveux de Sarah sont longs. But, if it’s a plural feminine, you add -es to it. Learn French colors and their correct pronunciation by watching the video below. Remember them, as they’re quite common in everyday French language: Conjugating adjectives in French is crucial. Le métal and le minéral are masculine, as are all metals: 1. acier – steel 2. or – gold 3. plomb – leadand most minerals: 1. le gypse – gypsum 2. le mica – mica 3. le sel – saltExceptions: l’argile (clay), la fluorite (fluorite), les pyrites (pyrite), la silice (silica)La gemme, la pierre, and la roche are feminine, but most gems, stones, and rocks are masculine: 1. diamant – diamond 2. marbre – marble 3. charbon – coalExceptions: une … Pink in French is rose. Blue color can be light (clair) or dark (foncé). This lesson teaches gender use such as plural and singular in French, vocabulary list about languages, nationalities, and countries and finally common phrases about greeting. quiché (plural quichés) Of or pertaining to the K'iche' (Mayan people) Noun . One of these exceptions is the white color in French. If you want to stay into the thematic before the next lesson, check out now our lesson about verb agreement! But, OptiLingo does much more. la plus longue les plus longues la moins longue les moins longues. Le livre — Les livres (= the books) Le garçon — Les garçons (= the boys) L’arbre — Les arbres (= the trees) La maison — Les maisons (= the house) La fille — Les filles (= the girls) Below are examples of grey/gris in the context of masculine/feminine and singular/plural. In most situations, pink has strong associations with niceness, innocence, and sensitivity. 28.long (feminine plural) longues. I give an example of how each color is used to describe clothes. You’ll learn how to say the principal colors along with the clothes vocabulary in French: So one time the color is used with a feminine noun and another time with the color is used with a feminine noun. Get our updates straight to your inbox & become a confident speaker, Get our best blogs and offers, straight to your inbox. Choose from 136 different sets of nomen plural masculine french flashcards on Quizlet. -aie, -oue, -eue, -ion, -te, – ée, -ie, -ue, -asse, -ace, -esse, -ece, -aisse, -isse/-ice, -ousse, -ance, -anse, -ence, -once, -enne, -onne, -une, -ine, -aine, -eine, -erne, -ande, -ende, -onde, -ade, -ude, -arde, -orde, -euse, -ouse, -ase, -aise, -ese, -oise, -ise, -yse, -ose, -use, -ache, -iche, -eche, -oche, -uche, -ouche, -anche, -ette, -ete, – ête, -atte, -otte, -oute, -orte, -ante, -ente, -inte, -onte, -an, -and, -ant, -ent, -in, -int, -om, -ond, -ont, -on (but not after s/c¸), -air, -er, -erf, -ert, -ar, -arc, -ars, -art, -our, -ours, -or, -ord, -ors, -ort, -ir, -oir, -eur. This site uses cookies to improve your user experience. You now know how to for the plural of nouns, but we´ll need one or two other lessons to learn how to deal with the plural when it comes to the conjugation of the verbs. Asking for and Giving Directions in French, 10 Best French Comics to Level Up Your French, 20 Expressions to Wish Good Luck in French. Rouge already ends with an e therefore both of the masculine and feminine are written in the same way (rouge). Click below to watch the video about colors and their pronunciation in French. The Translation Bureau recommends using the masculine noun audit (the final "t" is pronounced) as the French equivalent of the English word audit in the field of accounting. But, if you prefer a more natural way to learn French, you need to try OptiLingo. We add an “s” to the masculine singular to get longs. Learn nomen plural masculine french with free interactive flashcards. Violette is also the name of a flower in French. French Language Tutorial includes more than 200 pages of grammar and vocabulary topics, sample sentences, informal ways of speaking, cultural information about France, and an overview of French … The French translation for “long (masculine plural)” is longs. However, there are some adjectives that come before nouns as exceptions. Take a look at our introduction to adjectives with links to a variety of detailed lessons: French adjectives Here is, As for the black color, this article covers, And one last thing, remember the never-ending saga in the. I cover both feminine and masculine nouns. This doesn’t apply to other colors since the majority takes an “e” at the end of the word, except the colors that already end with “e” like rouge (red). The French translation for “long (feminine plural)” is longues. To follow more updates, subscribe to the YouTube channel and follow me on Instagram. 32.fier (feminine plural) fières. long m (feminine singular longe, masculine plural longs, feminine plural longes) long; Derived terms . longs. invité (feminine singular invitée, masculine plural invités, feminine plural invitées) invited; Further reading “invité” in Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French … Yellow in French is jaune. That’s the definition of a noun in English. Besides the red color in France’s flag, French children know very well the red color with the story of “petit chaperon rouge” which refers to the story of the Little Red Riding Hood. Purple in French is violet. Therefore, the adjective “blond” become “ blonds ” (masculine, plural) in (1) and “ blonde ” (feminine, singular) in (2). Most of the time when we talk about colors, French language learners are told to memorize color names as another list of vocabulary. This rules applies to most of colors besides few exceptions. In English Bordeaux, the color, translates to “burgundy” (which is another region in France also famous for its red wine!). These are essential words and are part of our beginner’s guide to learn French vocabulary. Learn Birthday Vocabulary in French, 20+ French Halloween Costumes That Will Inspire You, French EdTech Startups That Are Helping Students, But Not Only, Required Liaisons in French: what they are and how to pronounce them, French Christmas Vocabulary to Celebrate Christmas in France, Talking About Months in French With Pronunciation, French Comic Book Vocabulary – A Practical Guide to Comics Terminology, Writing a Professional Email in French (Sample template included), How to be Successful in Online Learning: 11 Tips and Strategies, Thinking In French: A Step Towards Fluency​, The Brief Guide to Common French Expressions, How to pronounce Jeune vs. Jaune in French, Famous French Songs to Help You Learn The Language With Music, Eating Healthy and French Food Vocabulary, video about colors and their pronunciation in French, Vue de l’espace, la planète Terre apparaît toute, En automne les feuilles changent de couleur pour devenir, Les couleurs traditionnelles de la fête d’Halloween sont le noir et l’, A la fête, j’ai acheté une barbe à papa rose (At the fair, I bought a pink cotton candy). Brown in French is marron. White in French is blanc. Many translated example sentences containing "masculine plural" – French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. (m) = masculine singular form (f) = feminine singular form (mp) = masculine plural form (fp) = feminine plural form (m&f) = masculine and feminine singular forms are the same (mp&fp) = masculine and feminine plural forms are the same (m&mp) = masculine singular and plural forms are the same In French, nouns can be singular or plural. longs pl (plural only) Long trousers/pants, as opposed to shorts. All French adjectives agree in number (singular or plural) and gender (masculine or feminine) with the nouns they describe. Below are examples of black/noir in the context of masculine/feminine and singular/plural. Gender of French Nouns . 31.fier (masculine plural) fiers. Let’s talk now about the red color in French! adjectifs français singulier et pluriel. 29.fier (masculine singular) fier. Le livre est long. adverbe . But, there’s a much smarter technique you can use. Learn feminine and french masculine masculine feminine plural with free interactive flashcards. longior Red has many color nuances it can be rouge clair (light red) or rouge foncé (dark red). Going through the whole page should take about 30 min. In fashion, many designers consider black as a glamorous color. It doesn’t matter if the plural noun is masculine or feminine, you use LES before it.. But as a French native, and a French teacher I can tell you… NO, grammatical gender in French is NOT crucial. Recall, when you learn French colors, you also learn the name of some fruits. Il est un vrai cordon bleu: He is a very good cook, Allez les bleus: In this context “les bleus” refers to the French National Team, Il est blanc comme neige: Being clean, nothing to be blamed for, L’or noir: The oil (perhaps it is the online data nowadays..), The first color photo of Ireland was taken by two French women in 1913. Articles are words like “the”, “a” or “an” in English. In French, the adjective ending agrees in gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural) with the noun it is describing. You can also watch this video to learn French colors and leave a comment over YouTube. It also makes you speak the language from the first lesson. Of course, that is fundamental to grown one’s vocabulary and a fantastic plan to master the list of common colors in French but personally, I consider that this is not enough. A simple explanation of "Beau, nouveau, vieux have different plural forms for masculine and feminine (adjectives)". Orange color can be seen in nature. Jaune, like rouge, ends with an e and therefore all that you should remember is to add an s in plural: jaunes. Colors are not reducible to a list of words or terms or properties; rather, colors in French are more correctly mastered as the understanding of multiple interactions between genders (masculine/feminine), quantities (singular/plural), as well as other colorful expressions and symbolism proper to the French language. There are three simple steps you can follow to determine whether the noun is feminine or masculine: Noun genders are important because they determine the form of the article that comes before it. When an adverb is used with a French color, the color no longer has to agree with the noun that it describes. Plural forms are forms that refer to "more than one" of something. Below are examples of purple/violet in the context of masculine/feminine and singular/plural. Here are some examples to demonstrate: As you can also see, adjectives come after the noun in most cases. This is the same pattern you saw for the French words for numbers in the 20s. Let’s see some examples. Learn About French Nouns. You can learn the grammar behind them easily. What’s the difference between “le rose” and “la rose”? You can hear exactly how the locals speak. Also, this will help you better understand the context whenever these color-related expressions are used by other French speakers. Adjective forms The table below lists the main families of adjectives in French; while there are certain exceptions that need to be learned individually, the groups below illustrate how to decline most French adjectives in their different forms. Also about “jaune citron” and it translates to “yellow lemon”. Choose from 500 different sets of feminine and french masculine masculine feminine plural … Green in French is vert. Blue in French is bleu. In French, there are a few more variations of these: As you can see, the noun changed the form of articles in French. In this post, you’ll learn the following colors in French: Colors play an important role in the French touch from dressing, and makeup to nail polishing and French pastry. Note: you must be logged into your account to do this exercise. If it helps, remember that whenever a color is derived from an object (fruit, stone, etc.) It’s an app that tells you the most common French nouns, words, and phrases. The seven are: bijou (jewel), caillou (rock, stone), chou (cabbage), genou (knee), hibou (owl), joujou (toy in child’s speak), pou (louse). Black in French is noir. When it is feminine, bleu takes a silent e at the end of the word and it becomes bleue. Many spiders, like tarantulas, are black. French translations moins longues most of colors besides few exceptions French speakers similar to that of the masculine and (. How to use plural nouns in French along with the corresponding English/French translation il ressort du tableau ci-dessus les! 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