As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Keep the seeds moist while they germinate and start to grow. They will germinate at temperatures between 40 to 85°F and should be planted in batches 10 to 14 days … She has made many strides in attracting local wildlife and increasing biodiversity on the site. Tips For Growing Lettuce. Begin planting lettuce 4 weeks before the last spring frost d ate. Its flavor is quite bitter though, making it more desirable in soups or seared in a stir-fry. It’s far easier to chop and shred the leaves for salads than to peel them off for wraps. It’s easy to grow, dependable, and can be used in so many different ways. Of course, the twenty lettuce varieties mentioned in this article are just a small portion of the many different options out there that you should consider. In that case, you might as well grow green leaf lettuce as it will grow more vigorously than red leaf under poor light. * denotes the lettuce is suitable for growing in summer The main types of lettuce are-CRISPHEAD-(syn. In fact, its curly, light green leaves make this plant as beautiful as it is delicious. And I’ve got 20 delicious varieties of lettuce for you to try out this fall. You can pick loose-leaf lettuce varieties from six weeks, at 10 weeks for hearting types. Bibb: Small head lettuce with a ruffled form and sweet, buttery flavor. First of all, you might be wondering why you should keep sowing lettuce (or even sow it for the first time) this late in the year. This tolerance makes it ideal for warmer climates. Also, you can make a step garden plot if you’d like to harvest it throughout the year, As for irrigation, this is a moderately demanding vegetable, especially after the bud begins to form. Lettuce is an easy crop to grow, and is usually pretty adaptable to its environment. Since moving to the property she has also rescued many chickens from factory farms, keeping them for their eggs, and moved much closer to self-sufficiency. Oak leaf lettuce gets its name from the shape of its leaves, as they resemble slender, jagged oak tree leaves. More popular members of the Butterhead family include Boston and Bibb types. These grow slowly to form tight hearts, with the leaves varying from bright green on the outside to pale green within the heart away from light. As the seedlings grow, harvest the entire plant leaving behind the other entire plants. Your lettuce will wilt if it dries out, so aim for about an inch of water a week. Lettuce Varieties. Copyright © 2020 Rural Sprout on the Seasoned Pro Theme, Annuals, Biennials and Perennials - 3 Plant Types You Need To Know, Grow Zucchini In Containers - 15 Tips For Huge Harvests, 8 Ways To Make Your Soil More Acidic (& 5 Things Not To Do). Smaller varieties such as ‘Tom Thumb’ will need just 15cm between them, while large varieties may need as much as 30cm between plants. Baby leaves can be harvested after 35 days. Thin seedlings out when they’re big enough to handle and keep the compost moist. One of lettuce’s greatest attributes, however, is how easy they are to grow. This variety has characteristic heavy heads because of its thick, moderately loose leaves, which have a mild flavor and smooth, pleasant texture. Growing lettuce can help cover and protect the soil after the main harvest of other annual crops is out of the way. It will help you make the most of your space by keeping beds (or containers) planted up for more of the year. This particular lettuce type is distinguishable by its tall stature and sturdy leaves. After reading this, are you craving a salad yet? In 2014, she and her husband moved to their forever home in the country. Varieties to try. This cultivar group contains some of the oldest lettuce cultivars, and there are some excellent heirloom varieties are available. After its 55-day maturity cycle, Tennis Balls are only about 6 to 8 inches in diameter, with loose, crunchy leaves. Tom Thumb is a type of Butterhead lettuce, which has a characteristic round shape and pliant leaves. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can even add it to a smoothie. More than 95 percent of romaine lettuce commercially grown in the U.S. grows in Arizona and California. Lettuce is one of the most versatile and valuable crops to grow in a polytunnel in the UK. Another member of the Summer Crisp family, Coastline lettuce is easily identifiable by its long, firm stem and light green frilled leaves.This lettuce variety features a combination of all lettuce varieties’ best qualities. Although many people assume red leaf lettuce is grown differently, growing red leaf lettuce is exactly the same as growing green lettuce. Lettuce is an easy salad plant to grow, which needs little space and is open to all, even if all you have is a terrace or balcony.. Sowing, planting, caring for it and harvesting it will help you get great lettuce. ). Mini-head lettuces are either standard head lettuce varieties that are planted at close spacing and harvested early, before they are fully mature, or, they are varieties that mature at a naturally small, compact size. Finding your way through the maze of lettuce varieties available in seed catalogues can be bewildering. Lettuce is definitely one of the more "care-free" crops. However, though this type of lettuce is known for being good with the heat, many varietals can cope with cooler and cold temperatures too. Ensure that the lettuce leaves do not come into contact with the soil as the moisture will cause leaf rot which will spread to the rest of the plant. Depending on which variety you’re growing, a butterhead can take anything from 35 to 70 days for full growth. Salad season is far from over. For the best growth in lettuce, most varieties like soil to be kept constantly moist. As such, it’s great for colder climates, and allows farmers from northern areas to grow it outside well into autumn. Also known as Bibb or Boston lettuce, butterheads ( L. sativa var. It produces its leaves in a twisty, rose-like pattern, making Mache stand out amongst other varieties. What kind of soil does Lettuce … 5. When grown in a controlled environment, hydroponic lettuce can be grown as a year-round crop. It is helpful to see lettuces as broadly falling within four groups. protect from slugs and snails. There are two main types of lettuce – hearting lettuces have a dense centre, while loose-leaf lettuces have open leaves and no heart. How to Grow Butter Lettuce. Although Iceberg is the lettuce queen in the conventional fields, things are a bit different and more diverse when it comes to hydroponically-grown lettuce. That said, there are more than 200 varieties of lettuce. Name – Lactuca sativa Family – Asteraceae Type – annual. Often found in the local salad bar and a virtual staple in the delicious BLT, it’s actually one of the more difficult lettuce varieties to grow. Homegrown lettuce is also more nutritious and flavorful than anything you will find at the grocery store. But getting it right means thinking about which varieties are right for you and your area. A cool weather crop, Salanova lettuce is hardy and will grow best in 60-65F (15.5-18.3C). The leaves are rigid and crunchy, and explains why this variety is also known as Crisphead lettuce. After 50 days, your Mache’s dark green, glossy leaves ready for the bowl. Crisphead: Just like iceberg lettuce.This is the most difficult variety of lettuce to grow in Florida. This type of lettuce is characterized by a tight and upright shape. Initially, the leaves spread out, but as time passes, turn to a compact head when the plant reaches maturity. When she is not gardening, Elizabeth spends a lot of time working remotely on permaculture garden projects around the world. In addition to designing gardens, Elizabeth also works in a consultancy capacity, offering ongoing support and training for gardeners and growers around the globe. But you do have to choose the right varieties. Check out some of the most common lettuce varieties below: Romaine: A popular variety with large and upright leaves form a loaf-shaped head.Leaves are crispy, tender, and sweet. It’s incredibly simple. The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service in Salinas, California, released two romaine varieties -- SM09A and SM09B -- in February 2011 that are resistant to dieback disease and have a good shelf life. Bibb: This variety of lettuce is named after its original cultivator, John Bibb, who began cultivating this variety in the 1850s. Lettuce varieties to try Red and green lettuce varieties planted in rows There are two main types of lettuce: those that form a head/heart or loose-leaf types. In addition, this vegetable isn’t placing high on people’s “favourite vegetables” lists. Looking to get a little fancier with your salad-making skills? Although it is a cool-season crop, meaning that it does better in the spring and the fall, there are now many heat-tolerant varieties, making it easy to grow … But lettuces are waaaay too pretty to limit myself to that. It also works well for lettuce wraps because of its large, soft leaves. She is a practical, hands-on gardener, with a background in philosophy: (an MA in English-Philosophy from St Andrews University). This lettuce variety originated in Malaysia, so it’s well suited for growing in hot climates. These attributes make the Parris Island lettuce a favorite: its long leaves have an amazing flavor and memorable texture. As with loose-leaf varieties, there are plenty of butterhead lettuces you can sow all year round. They act as “barrier plants” for the lettuce. You can also choose to grow loosehead varieties, Bib lettuce varieties, Leaf lettuce varieties, and Romaine lettuce varieties. In some regions, it’s possible to plant a second crop of lettuce in the fall or even early winter. Crisphead varieties (which includes the ubiquitous Icebergs) take about ten to twelve weeks to mature, and should be harvested roots and all. It has a low maturity rate of about 55 days, and is very easy to grow both indoors and outdoors. Lettuce crops (Lactuca sativa) has been moving from the boring side salad to an ingredient to be selected and savored.There are hundreds of varieties of lettuce you can grow and most salad greens are high in mineral, vitamin, and fiber content. The most popular one is the iceberg variety. Also, thanks to the many varieties of lettuce available, it’s easy for you to personalize your garden to accommodate your needs and personality. Those dense, spherical lettuces you may be used to buying in a store are commonly referred to as crisphead or iceberg lettuces. More colorful varieties are Freckles and Cimarron Red. (Especially if you have some protection in place in case of early frosts.). Bibb. The tender leaves and sweet ribs can grow back again after harvesting. Leaf lettuce, or loose leaf lettuce, are fast growing lettuce varieties. These varieties of lettuce inclu… And as anyone who’s bought those clamshells of baby lettuce greens at the store can tell you – homegrown is the way to go. This determines how long it takes them all to mature. They fold in on each other so tightly that they need to be peeled back one by one. I grow a lot of the green oakleaf as my staple, and I grow all others for their ornamental value. There’s no mistake about where this lettuce variety got its name from. Lettuce is a cool (not cold) season crop; it thrives when temperatures are between 60℉ and 70℉. Loose-leaf Lettuce. If you struggle to grow crops, you should get along well with growing lettuce. There are so many types of lettuce to choose from – all with different colours, flavours and textures – that salad need never be boring! Corn salad is extremely cold resistant, which will allow you to leave your lettuce ball to mature well into autumn. Leave the stump in the ground and water it as if it were growing and it will sprout again. The next time you go grocery shopping, you’ll likely come head to head (pun intended) with Ithaca lettuce. She has created booklets and aided in the design of Food Kits to help gardeners to cool and warm climates to grow their own food, for example. Included in these are mignonettes, oak leaf and butter varieties, and are best harvested as required. Lettuce, no matter the variety, is considered a cool-weather crop.   Butterhead lettuces are planted from seeds or nursery seedlings, spaced about 8 inches apart. Lettuce grows best in cool weather. Most varieties of lettuce can be grown as full-size head lettuce, harvested by cutting at the base of the plant, and sold by the unit. However, if you want to get the best yields, you need to grow the plants in a well-aerated area. There are hundreds of lettuce’s varieties are available to grow at home. Just like other lettuce varieties, this type of lettuce is grown much the same way. They also like to be kept moist, so water them well, especially on warm days. This adds extra punch to your salad, and allows you to feel full and satisfied after eating it. Named after the state in which it’s most commonly grown, Nevada lettuce has a high heat tolerance and prefers full sun, compared to most varieties. (These varieties need at least 7 inches between plants). And don’t forget that you can store your freshly harvested salad greens for up to two weeks with this clever little trick. Amongst other things, she has designed private gardens in regions as diverse as Canada, Minnesota, Texas, the Arizona/California desert, and the Dominican Republic, commercial aquaponics schemes, food forests and community gardens in a wide range of global locations. Sow seed on moist, well-prepared soil or compost in spring. The quicker lettuce grows… Then look no further than Corn Salad (also known as “Mache”). Green Leaf Lettuce. Varieties to try. Loose-leaf, romaine, and butterhead varieties can be planted in the spring as soon as soil is able to be worked. If you’re new to gardening or have not grown lettuce before, you may wish to grow some of the other types to begin with. They’ll take a little longer than loose-leaf lettuces to reach a decent size for harvest, but are still reasonably quick to mature. The average person might look at this lettuce and assume that it’s a weed, rather than a crop. For an ideal harvest, mix about a cup of compost into the soil before planting each head. Grow lettuce both indoors and outdoors. When it comes to growing lettuce, this type is very tolerant to cold conditions. You could also consider making hotbeds for your polytunnel or greenhouse, to provide heat from below. We have 10 great varieties ranging from iceberg to loose leaf, for every purpose and preference out there. Although you can harvest it leaf by leaf, most prefer to do so once the head has fully matured. And we all know how sad store-bought produce looks come October. They grow away from their stems rather than bunching together and overlapping, like Iceberg varieties. Types of Lettuce. Flashy Butter Oak Lettuce is very popular among gardeners for its outstanding beauty. On this week's Two-Minute Tip, we talk about several varieties of lettuce that produce well in the garden and have excellent texture and flavor. Crispino is also one of the easier varieties to harvest, and should be plucked every 2 weeks. Up until around August, you can still sow a wide range of lettuces. Leaves are crispy, tender, and sweet. Growing lettuce is easy and may be one of the most rewarding crops to grow all year long. This is because insects won’t get very far through the hard, dense leaves. We advise that you leave a distance of about 7 or 12 inches between each plant. If you’re a high-end chef and you’re ready to take your salads to the next level, then Romaine lettuce is the right choice for you! Probably one of the best known varieties of butterhead lettuce, ‘Bibb’ is named after John B. Bibb, an army officer during the War of 1812. Too much water will rot the roots and encourage mold growth in the leaves. Included in these are mignonettes, oak leaf and butter var… Crispino is also one of the easier varieties to harvest, and should be plucked every 2 weeks. But looseleaf and butterhead leaves can be harvested at just about any time in their development. Nevada Lettuce is a favourite among gardeners, as this variety is highly resistant to heat and sun damage. capitata) come in a selection of green and red shades, and most varieties are moderately heat tolerant. The number of days until lettuce can be cut, either as baby lettuce or as mature leaves, varies depending on the variety of lettuce you are growing. For romaine and butterhead varieties, pick the lettuce by cutting the exterior leaves first if you prefer them to provide more leaves over time. Less likely to bolt and rarely bitter, the Butterhead lettuce varieties mature in about 55-75 days spaced similarly to the Crispheads. Fill with quality potting mix, such as Yates Potting Mix with Dynamic Lifter. New Red Fire Loose-Leaf lettuce has curly burgundy leaves—red as autumn flames. Place your lettuce in each of the Mr Stacky pockets Growing lettuce in a greenhouse extends the season and makes it possible to have fresh lettuce even into the winter months. No matter what the variety, lettuce is an easy vegetable to grow. Named because of its flavor—which is like a combination between celery and lettuce—it’s known for its long, crunchy stems instead of its leaves. You can check the seed packet or product description for the number of days to harvest to find out how long it will take your variety of lettuce to mature. These are the most forgiving type of lettuce, and also the ones that provide a yield the quickest, so you can eat salads from your garden sooner rather than later. Batavian Lettuce Varieties It may look like it was grown on Mars, but this lettuce type from southern China is definitely an Earth species. Romaine lettuce (also known as cos lettuce) can also be planted by seed, but it more often planted from nursery transplants. This way, you’re allowing 1 or 2 plants to fully mature in each pot. So you can simply harvest leaves as needed, and new leaves will regrow. You can choose to eat Frisee either as a baby leafy green, or as a full-grown salad base. While potentially somewhat more challenging to grow than loose-leaf lettuces, and butterhead, romaine types are still pretty easy to grow in most temperate climate gardens. Lau’s lettuce can also be eaten after being lightly cooked, but shouldn’t be stored in the fridge for too long. This lettuce variety is very dependable, and does well in a variety of growing conditions. Feel free to grow them as a stunning piece in your favourite flower planters! Because lettuce is best when tender, harvesting just before they mature is recommended. It is best to plant head lettuce in the fall as, by avoiding the warmer weather, you can produce sweeter lettuce. The more protection you provide, the longer the list of options will become. Iceberg: Dense headed lettuce that resembles a cabbage. 21 Breathtakingly Beautiful Flowering Vines to Suit Every Site, DIY Safe Homemade Cleaners with 8 Garden Herbs, A Complete Morning Glory Growing Guide and 4 Varieties to Inspire You, Make an Extraordinary DIY Bridal Bouquet with Vegetables and Herbs, How to Create a Beautiful Tropical Garden in Your Own Backyard, Language of Flowers to Turn Your Garden into a Beautiful Poem, The Complete Guide to Growing 8 Elegant Alstroemeria Lilies, How to Grow Asparagus at Home for Delightful Perennial Harvests, 17 of the Most Popular Fast Growing Shade Trees for Your Yard. Their strong leaf stems have a sweet note that contrasts beautifully with its mature leaves’ slight bitterness. Gardeners can select from a large variety of lettuces that are easy to grow, highly productive in limited space, and virtually pest and disease-free. There are four main types of lettuce: Loose-leaf lettuce; Romaine/cos lettuce ; Iceberg: Dense headed lettuce that resembles a cabbage.It offers crispy, fresh, mild, sweet-flavored leaves. Because lettuce is the base, and you can’t build a house if you don’t have a sturdy foundation. Half-grown lettuces are more cold-hardy than full-sized plants. Mature lettuce gets tough and tastes bitter so it’s better to pick lettuce early than late. Cos varieties are my favourites, take about ten – eleven weeks to grow up, and outer leaves can be harvested while the lettuce is still growing. Before we delve deeper and look at some of the delicious varieties of lettuce you can sow now for fall, it’s helpful to discuss the different types of lettuce. From red to green and curly to ruffled, there are so many varieties to grow. Butterhead lettuce gets its name from its butter-soft, velvety leaf texture. Naturally, you then harvest these lettuces by cutting the whole plant. Hot weather often causes lettuce to bolt and/or become bitter. Good. It prefers well-drained soil, and does well with lower water levels. CRISPHEAD OR ICEBERG LETTUCES. Its leaves—which curl backwards slightly when mature—are also highly sought after for wraps. Romaine takes 75 to 85 days and crisphead 70 to 100 days. Let’s take a look at the different types of lettuce and some excellent varieties in each category! (Such as with solar electricity, or solar water heating piped through, for example. The leaves are tender with a mild, slightly nutty flavor. But you may have to provide additional cloche protection. Lettuce survives an occasional dip to 10 degrees F (–12 degrees C) with good row cover outdoors — but not 8 degrees F (–13 degrees C), I know! Heading varieties take longer to mature. Loose-leaf lettuce has one of the highest germination rates among lettuce varieties! Here’s a tip: if you have herbivore pets like rabbits or degus, try growing lettuce like one this for them to enjoy. This variety will grow in a number of different conditions, as long as the soil is kept moist and fertile. My apartment is hot in the summer so, of course, the lettuce is bitter. You can identify many of these varieties by the frilled leaves growing on wavy, limp stems. Commercially Grown Varieties. It offers crispy, fresh, mild, sweet-flavored leaves. I need to know if I will ever get sweet tasting lettuce from my plants if I trim off all the bitter ones - leaving 2 or 3 to feed the plant. Loose-leaf lettuces are definitely the easiest crops to grow if you’re a novice gardener. If I grew lettuce only for eating, I'd grow just my Darwin lettuce. Iceberg is sold head variety. Cover with a very thin layer of compost or vermiculite. While there are a wide variety of lettuces that can be grown outside in a UK garden, having an undercover growing area will dramatically increase the number of lettuce varieties that you can grow, and the duration of time for which they can be grown. Rather than forming hearts, these lettuces have leaves loosely arranged around a center. Romaine lettuces (often known as Cos lettuces in the UK) are another type of lettuce that you can sow this time of year. This variety also has a bitter taste, which contrasts with the sweetness associated with other members of the lettuce family. Loose-leaf lettuce comes in a huge variety of tastes, textures, colors and forms. Butterhead lettuces are also relatively easy to grow. Lettuce seeds can be sown straight into the garden (or pots) or you can start them off in trays or punnets first. Thankfully, due to iceberg lettuce’s high leaf count, you won’t even notice if there are a few leaves missing. She graduated from allotment gardening to organically managing 1/3 of an acre of land, including a mature fruit orchard,which she has turned into a productive forest garden. You can grow it with seedlings, but also with indirect sowing. There are many varieties of lettuce available to the gardener, and most of them are incredibly simple to grow. Unlike loose-leaf lettuces, they have rose-petal like forms. Which type of lettuce you choose to grow will depend not only on where you live. If you live in a colder climate zone, you can still grow lettuce year-round. It has a quick, 30-day maturity rate, and can be picked and eaten as individual leaves. The best thing about it is that it grows rapidly. There are dozens of lettuce types, and they fall into five categories: Batavian, butterhead, iceberg, loose leaf, and romaine. Early winter them as a stunning piece in your favourite flower planters hearting lettuces have a sweet note contrasts... 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